"You folks offer a quality hunt with great accommodations and a highly sought after success rate... In my book you set the standard for guides all over the world. Thank you for an Awesome Hunt!"
—Jeffrey M. Kowalk
Senior Vice President
MBM Corporation |
Kettle River Outfitters - British Columbia's Premier Big Game Hunting Outfitter!
B.C. hunting has been referred to as "the best place on earth" to fulfill your hunting dreams. And it's no wonder that British Columbia carries this reputation. With some of the largest and most plentiful hunting opportunities for mule deer, white tail deer, elk, moose, cougar, bobcat, lynx and turkey, Kettle River Outfitters enjoys hunting success rates and trophy animals that set the standard for B.C. hunting!
B.C. Premier Trophy Moose Hunts
B.C. Color Phase Black Bear Hunts
B.C. Cougar Hunts
B.C. Trophy Mule Deer Hunts
- High Country & Rut Hunts
- 24" - 30" Mule Deer Common
- Spot & Stalk From 4x4's and Foot
- Click to learn more
B.C. Trophy Elk - Rifle Rut Hunts
- Bow Hunts Sept 1-10
- Rifle Elk Hunts During the Rut!
- 6 x 6 Bulls Common
- Calling, Spot & Stalk
- Click to learn more